Tanto el actor Anson Mount, como el equipo de producción estuvieron publicando una serie de imágenes acerca del trágico accidente que sufre el capitán de flota Christopher Pike en una nave de entrenamiento. Esta escena tuvo lugar en el pasado episodio “Through the Valley of Shadows” de la serie Star Trek Discovery.
Detrás de escena del accidente
Here’s a little look at the radiation scene unedited. pic.twitter.com/73I6YWeTTj
— Anson Mount (@ansonmount) April 9, 2019
A little further along in the future Pike process. pic.twitter.com/MLa7pKX6i4
— Anson Mount (@ansonmount) April 8, 2019
Applying the burns to future Pike. They had to comb my hair out of the way to get it up and into my hairline. Hence, the cone head. @startrekcbs @StarTrekNetflix pic.twitter.com/AJhLZEkUeG
— Anson Mount (@ansonmount) April 8, 2019
And, of course, the final product. @glenn_hetrick @NevillePage pic.twitter.com/pOV4UnO4UF
— Anson Mount (@ansonmount) April 8, 2019
Tanto el diseñador de utilería Mario Moreira y como el líder de diseño de criaturas Neville Page compartieron el concepto y el producto final de la silla que finalmente utilizó Anson Mount.
Concepto render por Neville Page
Producto final por Mario Moreira
When I work with concept artists on designs for @startrekcbs I generally start with lots of notes. When I work with @NevillePage I don’t even get in his way, he’s a frigging genius! His design for the #captainpike life support chair is a thing of beauty. pic.twitter.com/uY9pZ1LiOb
— Mario Moreira (@Mario_Moreira72) April 9, 2019
Anson ensaya el momento con el director Doug Aarniokoski.
Pike faces his future.
Anson Mount rehearses the moment with director @dougaa (and a double in the chair). Updated chair design by @nevillepage and our incredible props team led by @Mario_Moreira72. #StarTrekDiscovery #CaptainPike #StarTrek pic.twitter.com/TRjev49Hzy
— Erika Lippoldt (@gryphonmetal) April 5, 2019
Y la escena final…